Ho, ho, ho! ’Tis that time of year again! Every day for the next 6 days we’ll be sharing local shopping gift ideas for your loved ones, and best of all — you can buy them all right here in the village. Day 7 is dedicated to the learner in your life that enjoys DIY creations, and being more hands on.
Plenty + Spare
Plenty + Spare believe in doing more with less. Blended in small batches in their Vancouver studio, their soaps and skincare bring you thoughtful formulations that let your natural beauty shine through. Learn how to make 10 full sized bars of beautiful vegetarian soap from scratch – great for stocking up or for gift giving throughout the year.
Up to 6 guests are able to purchase for the class on January 7, 2018
Address: 2168 East Hastings Street
Price: $85.00
Instagram: @plentyandspare
Baaad Anna’s Yarn Store
Offering classes for the beginner as well the more advanced! Baaad Anna’s is a one stop shop for all things knitting. Take a look at their website for more details of classes available.
Address: 2667 East Hastings Street
Price: Classes
Instagram: @BaaadAnnas
The Gourmet Warehouse
With cooking classes like “ The Art of Cheese Making,” “Knife Sharpening,” and “Introduction to Sous Vide,” The Gourmet Warehouse has a little something for everyone. It is a unique specialty food and housewares emporium appealing to professionals and home cooks alike. Located in the heart of Vancouver, The Gourmet Warehouse has been in business since 1998. It started in a 700 square foot alley-accessed warehouse. Now the store boasts over 19,000 square feet of specialty ingredients and an inclusive range of cookware essentials — from spatulas to tagines. You’ll find everything you need to outfit and enhance your kitchen and beyond!
Address: 1340 East Hastings Street
Price: Classes
Instagram: @GourmetWarehouse
Vancouver Tap Dance Society
The Vancouver Tap Dance Society was co-founded by Lana Caputi and Sas Selfjord in 1995. Being a hub for tap dancers is an artistic and operational challenge, and the Society has grown and thrived through the efforts of their many dedicated staff, faculty, and volunteers. The VTDS is committed to spearheading projects to promote tap dance to the public, including bringing international shows to the Vancouver stage. Delivering comprehensive training opportunities from novice to professional dancers, VTDS provide the infrastructure needed to share the art of tap dance with the community. Browse the website and see what kind of classes or programs are available.
Address: 2775 East Hastings Street
Instagram: @vantapdance
Circus West
Just putting it out there, but Circus West does Birthday parties for the kids! Fun way to learn while still having fun. CW is the one-stop hub for circus arts on the West Coast. They help children, teens, and adults develop skills in circus arts and performance, while increasing their fitness and self-confidence in a safe and fun environment.
Address: 2901 East Hastings Street
Price: Rates
Instagram: @Circus_West
The Pie Shoppe
Your learner is going to THANK YOU big-time for buying them lessons on how to prepare some darn good pies! But make sure you snag a spot early cause they sell out quick!
Address: 1875 Powell Street
Price: Classes
Instagram: @ThePieShoppe