If you know your knit from your purl, but you never get enough time to practice or you just need a boost of creative encouragement, this evening is for you. Bring your project(s) and feel free to ask questions. This is an evening for sharing ideas, fixing mistakes, and making progress. And just in case it needs to be said, we welcome all genders!
Our Knit Together event happens on the second Thursday of the month. Knit in the company of warm and cosy strangers (or, if you’re shy, bring a friend and knit in the company of warm and cosy people you know)!
This is a drop-in event with no Kidspace available, but kids are welcome to come and hang out. Bring your own dinner ($5 for drop-in) or preregister ($10 with a vegetarian meal included).
Instructor: this event is facilitated by Becky Stewart, beloved teacher of our Knitasana classes.