Have you completed a beginner knitting class and enjoy participating in our learning community? Have you been knitting for a while and want to expand your skills? This class is for you. Using the Building Blocks book by Michelle Hunter, you will practice beginner-to-intermediate knitting techniques on twelve unique squares, which can be combined into a lap blanket.
We suggest you take the Knitting Refresher Workshop before enrolling in Set A or B. You may enroll for the beginning of set A or set B after completing the Knitting Refresher.
Set A Class Description
During set A—offered September, November, February, and April—you will learn how to knit one or two squares every week.
✩ Week one: Yarn Over and Bobbles (square 3)
✩ Week two: Cables, Slip Stitch (squares 5 & 8)
✩ Week three: Left Twist, SSK (squares 9 & 10)
SEPTEMBER DATES: Thursdays, September 12, 19 & 26, 6-8pm
NOVEMBER DATES: Thursdays, November 14, 21 & 28, 6-8pm
COST: $90+tax.
INSTRUCTOR: Barth Siemens
To register visit us in store, call 604-255-2577, or register online here to reserve your spot!
Set B Class Description
You may enroll for the beginning of set A or set B. During set B—offered October, January, March, and May—you will learn how to knit one or two squares every week.
✩ Week four: Simple Decreases (square 4)
✩ Week five: Right Twist, Mock Cables (squares 6 & 7)
✩ Week six: Make One, Advanced Decreases (squares 11 & 12)
During each class, practice your new stitches on a swatch before you continue on your next square. We suggest you begin a swatch plus the bottom border for each square covered in that class. You might decide to bring as many as three separate knit pieces, with three balls of yarn, if we are working two squares in a class. Otherwise, you could practice and unravel with a single ball of yarn. See below for a hint about holding stitches.
OCTOBER DATES: Tuesdays, October 15, 22 & 29, 6-8pm
DECEMBER DATES: Tuesdays, December 3, 10 & 17, 6-8pm
COST: $90+tax.
INSTRUCTOR: Barth Siemens
To register visit us in store, call 604-255-2577, or register online here to reserve your spot!
Additional Classes
We include two more classes in the Building Blocks course. You may register in advance or drop in—we hold a 2 open drop-in seats for additional participants.
✩ Put it Together: learn to join the squares you have completed, using Mattress stitch (vertical seams), Overcast stitch (horizontal seams), and Slip stitch (crocheted seams).
SEPTEMBER DATE: Sunday, September 29, 1-2:30pm
DECEMBER DATE: Sunday, December 15. 1-2:30pm
INSTRUCTOR: Barth Siemens
To register visit us in store, call 604-255-2577, or register online here to reserve your spot!
✩ Ask a Teacher: your chance to review anything you learned during the course or ask other knitting questions.
OCTOBER DATE: Thursday, October 3, 6-7:30pm
NOVEMBER DATE: Thursday, November 7, 6-7:30pm
INSTRUCTOR: Barth Siemens
To register visit us in store, call 604-255-2577, or register online here to reserve your spot!