
Flats Arterial Community Panel

December 10, 2018

City of Vancouver, BC, Canada


Interested in being part of a unique engagement opportunity? Apply now to join the Community Panel for the Flats Arterial. 42 people will be randomly selected to help go in-depth and make a recommendation on an interesting challenge.

Applications for the Flats Arterial Community Panel are due Monday, December 10! All Vancouver residents are welcome to apply, and those living or working in Strathcona or the False Creek Flats are strongly encouraged to consider joining.

42 people will be randomly selected for the panel to meet demographic targets representing the area (including business representation). The Panel will work together to recommend a route for an arterial road through False Creek Flats that best meets the needs of residents and businesses.

The Community Panel will meet for approximately 8 days to learn from experts, community and business stakeholders, and the broader public about the potential issues and benefits of each arterial road option, and then make a recommendation to City Council and Park Board. The City will use the Panels’ recommendation as a significant input into the overall strategy, but may request further engagement, learning, and technical analysis before presenting a draft plan to Council.

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