- Now offering Tele-health Physiotherapy Consultation. You can book these using our online booking site. Once booked, your physiotherapist will contact you to confirm your online consultation time and send you an access code you can use to access the video call using PhysiApp.
The Village Community Acupuncture
- virtual sessions available they will mail acs-buttons before your appointment
- appointments at sliding scale prices
Sunrise Hastings Physiotherapy Clinic
- Emergencies only
- Virtual sessions available via Victoria Drive location
Wung Wo Tong Herbs & Acupuncture
- Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Open 10am – 4pm
- Current hours 9am – 4pm, Monday thru Saturday
- Clients are no longer permitted in the building, pet is dropped off at front door at the designated appointment time.
- Monday – Friday 730am – 4pm
Pharmachoice (previously Pharmasave)
- Hours open 830am – 7pm
- Doing it all on Zoom. Find their link here.
- Various yoga classes available
- Store open online shopping available with delivery
- Reduced hours 8am – 10pm 7 days a week