Canadian Independent Bookstore Day (Saturday April 29th) is upon us, and what better way to celebrate the importance of locally owned bookstores than to visit IRON DOG BOOKS (2671 East Hastings St).
Indie bookstore day invites customers in for special promotions, and hopefully encourages them to visit more often. This Saturday IRON DOG BOOKS will have giveaways for every customer who visits the store, as well as the opportunity to enter a draw to win one of four large literary prize packs.
All in-store sales of used books will be 30% off for one day only! (Saturday April 29th) Make sure you check it out!
“We are known for being genuine, thoughtful, and having fantastic customer service, but I think the best reason to visit us is to discover something new. Being inundated with content through our various devices can make it hard to sift through and find the true gems, or the right thing for us. At Iron Dog Books we work incredibly hard to pick the best of each category, and to make sure you have a great browsing experience. Spending time in our bookstore, with good music playing, new titles carefully displayed, and a moment to slow down can almost be a mini vacation. It is an experience, and one that I think provides something crucial to our psyches. It is worth coming in for the joy of the unexpected.”
-Hilary Atleo (Owner) IRON DOG BOOKS
The East Village is the best community in the city, hands down. It has been over three years since we opened the shop here and I can not believe how perfect the neighbourhood is for our store, and vice versa. We love the strong connections we've made with neighbours, we love the walkability, we love the plenitude of services - we love the food! The neighbourhood is so vibrant, and even though it is situated on a main thoroughfare it still feels like an undiscovered gem."
Hilary Atleo (Owner) IRON DOG BOOKS
Owning a business in Hastings Sunrise has been the best thing that could have happened to our store. We are situated on a main transit route, which means it is easy for Vancouverites to get to us, but we are also close to the highway so that folks can easily drive in from the surrounding municipalities. There is a lot of neighbourhood support, and we have strong relationships between businesses which makes lots of things easier. The BIA provides a lot of services as well, such as the community shredding day or BIA Bucks promotion that create a supportive environment for businesses."
Hilary Atleo (Owner) IRON DOG BOOKS
My husband Cliff grew up in East Van, and he very much felt that Hastings Sunrise was the perfect place for our shop. We had been operating as a mobile business for two years before we opened the brick and mortar and had looked at several neighbourhoods in Metro Vancouver, but we kept returning to the East Village because of the ease of access and variety of shops. One of the things folks don't realize about this neighbourhood is how incredibly diverse it is. The community is made up of folks of all ages, ethnicities, genders, sexualities, and socioeconomic status, which was very attractive to us as a home for our bookstore. Serving many different people ensures that we are always working to keep our inventory responsive the needs of the community, which in turn keeps us active and interested in curating our selection. One of the biggest shifts for us has been adding giftware and non-book items to the store, which it turns out was an unfilled need in the neighbourhood! This summer we are adding events as the demand for in-person entertainment returns. We can't wait to see how our community changes and what they need from us next!”
Hilary Atleo (Owner) IRON DOG BOOKS