Sarah Peacock is the director of Magpie’s Nest Community Art Society. Housed within Another Space, a community creative arts therapy studio, Sarah founded both Magpie’s Nest and Another Space, and facilitates art therapy workshops for the community, including those dealing with mental health or addictions issues, and veterans. We recently visited Magpie’s Nest to speak with Sarah about her businesses, and learn more about her path to becoming an art therapist. “For a long time I didn’t think I was creative or artistic at all,” Sarah laughs. “I was living in France, and I ended up taking a painting class there. I kind of avoided doing art for a very long time. I always did crafts or music, but never arts – I think I secretly knew I would love it.” “I had this revelation. I wasn’t even very good at painting, but I just loved it. I felt very empowered, and thought to myself, everyone needs to know they can do this.” That new found love of art soon turned into a full-fledged career, with Sarah making the move to Vancouver to pursue her arts therapy education. “I moved to Vancouver to study, and I realized that I really love working with the community. Basically with Magpie’s Nest, we really just encourage people to make art.”
With everything from yoga classes, pastel workshops, life drawing, to mail art – classes are generally built around a theme of some sort, and attendees are encouraged to be creative with it. “We like to keep it pretty open,” Sarah says. “We want people to have something as jump off point, and from there they can take it wherever they want.” To learn more about Magpie’s Nest, visit their website, and don’t forget to stay social on Facebook.