Maple Leaf Storage have just kicked off their 2nd Annual “More Food. Less Hunger.” Campaign, and we want to help to spread the word. From now until January 16th, Maple Leaf will be collecting non-perishable food items at all 12 of their locations, which is donated to the food banks of British Columbia and Calgary. “This year our goal is to donate over 1000 lbs. of food to local food banks,” says Darren Shaw, marketing manager at Maple Leaf Storage. “Last year, 712 lbs. of food went to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank, SHARE Family & Community Food Bank in Port Moody and the Calgary Food Bank.” The most needed items include Canned fish or meats, canned beans, kidney, black bean, chickpeas, pasta and rice, canned vegetables, and diapers — just to name a few. When donating to food banks, it’s always great to give items that you yourself would want to eat. Help spread the word about this initiative on Social Media using the hashtag #MoreFoodLessHunger, and be sure to follow Maple Leaf Storage on Twitter and Facebook for the latest updates. For more information about this campaign and location listings, visit the Maple Leaf Storage blog.