Hardly ever in one place for long, you’ll see James, the store manager racing between the back room and the front counter. James steers the ship at the VGH Thrift Store responsible for all of the volunteers and has been for the last 6 years. He tells us that he’s always had an affinity for thrift shops and loves how unique they are all.
When we asked James how the thrift store has been so successful with recruiting volunteers, he said “everyone comes here for a different reason. But ultimately, what we are doing matters, so it’s an easy cause to get behind.” James enjoys working with the likeminded volunteers because it allows him to get to know the volunteers on a personal level. “That’s what is so great about running a small business. Everyone here, all the volunteers, the Board of Directors, myself, we are all caretakers of this place.”
James directs us to the bulletin board at the front of the store and shows us a letter from VGH. “I’m really proud of this,” he points to the letter which congratulates the thrift store and the volunteers for all of their hard work. The letter lists all of the equipment the hospital was able purchase with the profits from the thrift store. “We’re all very proud of it,” chimes in President of the Board of Directors, Brian.
When (or, if!) James gets time for himself, he likes to grab a coffee at Platform 7 and browse the vast record collection at Red Cat Records – who also donate records to the thrift store. Swing by the store and say hello to James. While you are there, pick up a volunteer application – they are always recruiting.
Want to support a good cause? Volunteer at the VGH Thrift Store today!
The VGH Thrift Store is a not-for-profit organization. Their goal is to run an efficient and fiscally responsible operation to raise funds in support of patients, clients and families served by Vancouver General Hospital (VGH), UBC Hospital and other facilities and community services of Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) in Vancouver. To raise funds in support of patients, clients and families served by Vancouver General Hospital (VGH), UBC Hospital (UBCH) and other facilities and community services of Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) in Vancouver.