Many restaurants are already doing their part with takeout and delivery. And now is the time for Canadians to take an active part in the rescue of an industry that employees millions of people in this country
To help save the foodservice industry, several hundred restaurant owners, chefs, culinary leaders and celebrities across Canada have joined forces to support national #TakeoutDay on Wednesday, April 15, 2020th. Canadians are encouraged to make every Wednesday #TakeoutDay by ordering from their favourite local restaurant.
Coast to coast hundreds of Canada’s favourite food personalities are actively involved including, chef Vikram Vij (Vancouver), maître fromager Afrim Pristine (Toronto), and chef Connie DeSousa (Calgary). They’re encouraging Canadians to share this campaign across social media with #TakeoutDay.
“There has never been a time like this, never been a bigger challenge for the restaurant industry. The greatest thing you can do is on April 14th, support your local restaurant by doing takeout,” says Mark McEwan, chef restaurateur, who also created this video along with coast to coast culinary leaders.
#TakeoutDay is about more than saving restaurants. Canada’s robust and diverse culinary scene is an integral part of our unique identity and the best demonstration of Canadian multiculturalism, which is what makes our country so special. Also, restaurants are where families celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, where sports fans go to cheer on their teams and where performers eat when they’re on the road!
What is the campaign about?
- #TakeoutDay launches on April 15th & continues every Wednesday until the restaurants welcome us back
- We are encouraging Canadians across the country to order takeout encase in a show of support for their favourite local restaurants
- Promoting restaurants across Canada that are still offering takeout options across social media, paid media, collaborations & public relations
- Creating a user-generated map to promote restaurants across Canada that are offering takeout & delivery options on an ongoing basis.
- This is a complimentary promotion.
How is the campaign supported?
- Generously funded by distributors, suppliers and foodservice brands who supply restaurants and the industry nationwide. Their contribution is recognized on our website and they will also help to spread this initiative to their own customers and digital platforms.
One day a week might not seem like much, but waterfalls begin with one drop.